How to be a kid whisperer?
Like every Ramesh, Suresh, and Ganesh, I too had high motivation at the start of the year and made a list of the things I wanted to achieve this year. Two of them on the long list are to write the 50 issues this year, which means I need to write more than one issue in some months and reach 100 subscribers by the end of this year. I can take care of the first goal, but I need you, the subscribers to help me reach the second goal.
All you guys need to do is share the issue you liked reading on your Instagram story with the link to it. I’m not asking you guys to do this for free, there is an incentive. I’m not going to reveal it now. If you are so curious about it, then why not share it now and see it for yourself? :P
Enough of my rambling. Let’s dive into this issue.
The main stuff
Occasionally, when we interact with kids, we either end up silent after a few questions or make the kid silent with our questions. Since most people aren’t aware of the level of cognitive abilities of a kid, it always ends weirdly. For example, the younger a kid, the longer any interval of time will seem to them. You have to reintroduce yourself every time you meet when you meet a younger kid. There are always ways in which you can have better conversations with kids.
If you have reached out to read a book instead of turning on the TV, you have a lesser risk of dementia in the future. Mentally stimulating activities like listening to music, chatting with others, or playing a musical instrument are bound to improve memory and thinking abilities. Foremost to these, physical activity is the main thing to focus on to improve brain health. Next time take breaks between those movie marathons if not for a full-blown workout.
In today’s edition of What Gen Z Like, we have luxury goods and what pleases them. Gen Z looks for interesting stuff from these luxury brands. This has been the main drive for brands’ marketing efforts focusing on making interesting content rather than the same old ‘buy our product’ ads. This has pushed brands to be absurd like Jaguar with their rebrand. So, it is time to be interesting and leave the trends to the mainstream players to win the Zoomers market.
Once ignored by the larger brands, streetwear won them over, and got together to make expensive streetwear. It diluted the theme and became one of the reasons for the loss in popularity of streetwear. It just got too rich for the masses. Brands have realized this and are trying to bring it back to the community, from where it all began. It is no more the fashion of the masses. Let us see if it fights its way to prominence like those good old days.
The optimization of life by choosing the right things is too stressful at times. I’m not saying it is worthless. Every so often, even the things that happen randomly and the choices made by others turn out to be the best. Choices make us compare anything with everything. We will always analyze and weigh the pros and cons. When this persists we just live in the choosing mode and just don’t commit to anything. So at times, it is better to reduce our choices by doing these things.
Somebody said something great here
We spend our lives yearning to be saved — from harm and heartache, from ourselves, from the inevitability of our oblivion. Religions have taught that a god saves us. Kierkegaard thought that we save ourselves. Baldwin believed that we save each other, if we are lucky. Ultimately, we don’t know, or only think we know, what saves us. But when it happens, we hold on to our saviors with the full force of gratitude and grace. In every true friendship, each is the other’s savior, over and over.
Campaign Corner
Inspiration we need for the new year
Curious internet place
Write a letter to your future self - Letter to Future You
This issue was powered by this soundtrack. I didn’t get the lyrics, let me know if you guys do.
Happy Weekend! Btw don’t forget what I told you at the start. Bye.